Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
– Margaret Mead
In 2004 our CEO and Founding Director Atira Tan embarked on an incredible one year, around the world trip. Her first stop was Cambodia.
Whist in Cambodia Atira found herself living just a few meters from where each night she watched desperate mothers selling their young girls on the street to overseas tourists for sex. For as little as $3USD, girls not much older than 9 were being prostituted.
Curious to know more, Atira carefully approached them. She listened to their stories and became deeply saddened by the hopelessness in the eyes of the young girls. She also felt rage and anger at the poverty and injustice that had led these mothers to feel they had no other choice.
In that moment,
Atira had
two choices.
She could quickly leave and feel sad for these girls for a few short days before returning to her normal life or she could stay and to try do something.
The compassion she felt for the lives these women were leading was enough to kick her into action.
She swiftly cancelled her around the world ticket and stayed in Cambodia to begin providing therapeutic support to these women and children.

Now, Art to Healing provides direct therapeutic support to women and children directly impacted by sex slavery and exploitation.
Art to Healing provides vital education, trauma-informed programs, consultancy and important clinical supervision to international non-government, grassroots, not for profit and government organizations throughout Asia and the Pacific.
Watch Art to Healing CEO and Founding Director, Atira Tan’s TED X Talk:
Inspired Action from the Heart.