We are on a mission to create a world free of sex slavery, exploitation and abuse.
are trafficked every year, this is in addition to the millions already held captive. (UNICEF, 2011)
a child is being prepared for sexual exploitation. (Chawla, A. 2015)
Is the average age of a trafficked victim (US Department of Justice, 2017)
Is the average age of a trafficked victim (US Department of Justice, 2017)
have lost their childhood through sexual exploitation during the past 30 years. (Chawla, A. 2015)
Is the average life span of a child in the sex slave trade. Children are beaten to death, contract HIV/AIDS or bacterial meningitis, or overdose on drugs forced on them. (Manna Freedom, 2013)
As you read this:
around the world are ensnared in the web that is human trafficking. (Rosell, P & Larsen, J. 2014)
are trafficked every year, this is in addition to the millions already held captive. (UNICEF, 2011)
a child is being prepared for sexual exploitation. (Chawla, A. 2015)
Is the average age of a trafficked victim (US Department of Justice, 2017)
Is the average age of a trafficked victim (US Department of Justice, 2017)
have lost their childhood through sexual exploitation during the past 30 years. (Chawla, A. 2015)
Is the average life span of a child in the sex slave trade. Children are beaten to death, contract HIV/AIDS or bacterial meningitis, or overdose on drugs forced on them. (Manna Freedom, 2013)
None of this is ok with us!
We are on a mission to create a world free of sex slavery, exploitation and abuse.
We are committed to creating a world where women and children are respected and valued.
Where women love and have compassion for themselves regardless of the abuse they have suffered.
A world where women and children can heal and recover from their traumatic pasts alongside other women.
In the absence of effective mental health and trauma informed care, many women and children find it difficult if not impossible to find a way out of the vicious web that is sex slavery.
Our mission is to make the impossible, possible.

Art to Healing provides trauma-informed care and mental health support of the highest quality.
This care is vital if women and children are to recover from their traumatic pasts, build resilience and imagine new possibilities for their lives, that are free from fear, abuse and exploitation.
Without the effective care and support of trained mental health and trauma professionals, community support and a solid foundation of safety, women and children frequently return to sex slavery.
1. Pablo Diego-Rosell and Jacqueline Joudo Larsen, Gallup, “35.8 Million Adults and Children in Slavery Worldwide,” (blog), November 2014, Accessed February 2017, http://www.gallup.com/poll/179459/million-adults-children-slavery-worldwide.aspx
2. “Child Protection of Violence, Exploitation and Abuse,” UNICEF, March 2011, Accessed February 2017, https://www.unicef.org/protection/57929_58005.html
3. Alison Chawla, The Huffington Post, “The Disturbing Reality of Human Trafficking and Children,” (blog), March 2015, Accessed February 2017, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/allison-chawla-/disturbing-reality-human-trafficking_b_8831834.html4. “Human Trafficking 101 for School Administrators and Staff,” United States Department of Justice, 2017, Accessed February 2017, https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/blue-campaign/Blue Campaign – Human Trafficking 101 for School Administrators and Staff.pdf
5. Alison Chawla, “The Disturbing Reality of Human Trafficking and Children,” March 2015.
6. Manna Freedom, “What is Human Trafficking?” (blog), 2013, Accessed February 2017, http://www.mannafreedom.com/get-informed-about-human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking/