Art to Healing is run entirely by volunteers.
Without the excellent individuals who are passionate about taking real action to remedy injustice, we simply couldn’t do what we do.
Art to Healing is committed to creating a world where women and girls are respected and valued. One in which women love and have compassion for themselves despite the abuse they have suffered.
A world where women and children can heal and recover from their traumatic pasts alongside other women.
Our mission is to make the impossible, possible.
We love what we do, but if we are to continue providing the best possible trauma-informed care to more than 1000 women and children who have been sexually abused and exploited by the illegal slave trade, we need your help.
If you hunger for a better world,
one where women are genuinely equal with men,
believe in creativity, the arts, and using breakthrough approaches to heal trauma,
we want to hear from you!
Explore the links below for more information and inspiration about how you can make a real impact in the lives of women and children whose lives have been devastated by the sex trade.